• The LICENSE was switched from GPL-3 to MIT
  • New function: flow_compare_runs() displays 2 calls on the same diagram, making it easy to observe their divergence
  • New function: flow_view_uses() displays functions that recursively call its input, basically it does the opposite of flow_view_deps()
  • New function: flow_view_source_calls() draws the dependencies between files sourcing each other.
  • flow_view_deps() gains an include_formals arg, TRUE by default, so it displays dependencies used in formals.
  • flow_view_deps() accepts a list of functions as input, to display a diagram that starts from several functions.
  • flow_view_deps()’s trim, promote, demote, trim arguments support regular rexpressions.
  • flow_view_doc() and flow_view_doc() were simplified to output only html since the md output was rarely used and brittle.
  • flow_debugonce() is deprecated, use flow_debug() and flow_undebug()
  • Diagram drawing functions now return by default a “flow_diagram” object, it contains the widget, the code and the data of the diagram and has a print() method that displays the diagram.
  • Bug fixes

We provide new experimental functions, these might be subjected to non trivial breaking changes in the future and they have some known issues but we decided to release them in the wild already:

These are introduced in vignette("experimental-functions")

Additionally :

  • Various bug fixes, in particular vignettes and compatibility with older R versions

The API was simplified, we lose some flexibility, but I doubt we lose anything useful, if you miss something, speak up in the github issues.

  • Various bug fixes
  • 7 new vignettes and a reworked README
  • The sub_fun_id argument was renamed into nested_fun.
  • prefix can now be a vector, in which case all prefixes are considered
  • A new truncate argument provides a way to improve display of wide diagrams, by truncating output.
  • The show_passes argument was removed and passes are always shown.
  • A new flow_test() functions build a report detailing testthat unit tests.
  • Arguments were reordered.
  • We can’t forward arguments to {plantuml} or {nomnoml} package functions anymore, this wasn’t very useful and added unnecessary complexity.
  • flow_doc supports md output and in particular if no argument is given, a diagrams.md file is created at the root of the project folder so it can be leveraged by {pkgdown} to add a section to the website that will contain all diagrams (as is done on {flow}’s website)
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.
  • unsatisfactory support of next and break was removed
  • A vignette “Draw a function” was added

flow_run() was reworked to be more robust, in particular:

  • Special calls like on.exit(), formals(), match.arg() etc now work seamlessly in flow_run().
  • We use base::browser() so all its features are available, it also means we can go through loops and iterations.
  • The argument show_passes was added to flow_run() to display the number of passes through each continuous edge of the diagram.
  • When setting browse = TRUE, the diagrams are not drawn automatically, instead we now use d or flow_draw() to redraw the diagram at the chosen step. running flow_draw(always = TRUE) in the debugger makes sure they’re drawn automatically at each step of the run.


  • New functions flow_debug() and flow_debugonce() make it convenient to call debug_run() indirectly through another call.
  • The engine “plantuml” was added, it is not as flexible as “nomnoml” (not all features are supported) but is more polished and more compact.
  • The new function flow_doc() draws the diagrams of all the functions of a package to an html file.