This function displays a shiny app's module structure, assuming it is built
on top of module functions named a certain way (adjustable through the
argument) and
calling each other. If you call for instance flow_view_shiny()
on a function that runs the app and
uses both the main server and ui functions, you'll display the full graph of server and ui modules.
max_depth = Inf,
trim = NULL,
promote = NULL,
demote = NULL,
hide = NULL,
show_imports = c("functions", "packages", "none"),
out = NULL,
lines = TRUE,
pattern = "(_ui)|(_server)|(Ui)|(Server)|(UI)|(SERVER)"
The function that runs the app
An integer, the maximum depth to display
A vector or list of function names where the recursion will stop
A vector or list of external functions to show as internal functions
A vector or list of internal functions to show as external functions
A vector or list of internal functions to completely remove from the chart
Whether to show imported "functions", only "packages", or "none"
a path to save the diagram to. Special values "html", "htm", "png", "pdf", "jpg" and "jpeg" can be used to export the object to a temp file of the relevant format and open it, if a regular path is used the format will be guessed from the extension.
Whether to show the number of lines of code next to the function name
A regular expression used to detect ui and server functions
A flow diagram object.
It is wrapper around flow_view_deps()
which demotes every object that is not
a server function, a ui function or a function calling either. What is or isn't considered as a
server or ui function depends on a regular expression provided through the pattern
argument. For a more general way of displaying all dependencies (not focused on modules),
use flow_view_deps()
if (requireNamespace("esquisse", quietly = TRUE)) {
flow_view_shiny(esquisse::esquisser, show_imports = "none")