These functions are assertion factories, they produce assertions, which take an object, check conditions, and returns the input, usually unmodified (never modified with the functions documented on this page).

Any(length, ...)

Logical(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Integer(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Double(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Character(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Raw(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

List(length, each, data_frame_ok, null_ok = FALSE, ...)


Closure(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Special(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Builtin(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Environment(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Symbol(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Pairlist(length, each, null_ok = TRUE, ...)

Language(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Expression(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Function(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Factor(length, levels, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Matrix(nrow, ncol, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Array(dim, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Data.frame(nrow, ncol, each, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Date(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Time(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Dots(length, each, ...)

Logical(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Integer(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Double(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Character(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Raw(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

List(length, each, data_frame_ok = TRUE, null_ok = FALSE, ...)


Closure(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Special(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Builtin(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Environment(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Symbol(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Pairlist(length, each, null_ok = TRUE, ...)

Language(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Expression(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Function(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Factor(length, levels, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Data.frame(nrow, ncol, each, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Matrix(nrow, ncol, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Array(dim, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Date(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Time(length, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Dots(length, each, ...)



length of the object


additional conditions, see details.


whether NULL values should be accepted, and not subjected to any further check.


assertion that every item must satisfy


whether data frames are to be considered as lists


factor levels


number of rows


number of columns




A function, and more specifically, an assertion as defined above.


Additional conditions can be provided :

  • If they are named, the name should be the name of a function to use on our object, and the value should be the expected value.

  • If they are unnamed, they should be formulas, the right hand side should be a condition, using value or . as a placeholder for the latter, and the optional lhs an error message.

Any is the most general assertion factory, it doesn't check anything unless provided additional conditions through .... Others use the base is.<type> function if available, or check that the object is of the relevant type with typeof for atomic types, or check that the class of the checked value contains the relevant class.

Dots should only be used to check the dots using check_arg on list(...) or substitute(...()), which will be the case when it's called respectively with function(... = ? Dots()) and function(... = ?~ Dots())


if (FALSE) { # fails Integer() ? x <- 1 # equivalent to declare("x", Integer(), value = 1) Integer(2) ? x <- 1L # we can use additional conditions in `...` Integer(anyNA = FALSE) ? x <- c(1L, NA, 1L) Integer(anyDuplicated = FALSE) ? x <- c(1L, NA, 1L) } Integer(2) ? x <- 11:12 if (FALSE) { # We can also use it directly to test assertions Integer() ? x <- 1 # equivalent to declare("x", Integer(), value = 1) Integer(2) ? x <- 1L }